
Unretirement explains this seismic change.

It provides key insights and practical advice

on why boomers are extending working lives with new careers,

entrepreneurial ventures, and volunteer service.

(AI) Why are more Americans unretiring?

Various studies and surveys provide valuable insights into the phenomenon. For instance, a survey conducted by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies in 2020 revealed that 53% of U.S. workers planned to work past the age of 65 or never retire at all.

Moreover, the study suggested that financial reasons play a major role in individuals reconsidering retirement.
The desire to maintain a sense of purpose and contribute to society has influenced many individuals of all age groups to reenter the workforce.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on retirement plans. The economic uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, including market volatility and job losses, has forced some retirees to reassess their financial situations and consider returning to work to ensure stability.

Their experience, wisdom--and importantly, their continued earnings--will enrich the American workplace, treasury, and our whole society in the decades to come.

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