Nextrackers videos, podcasts & profiles
Retired music teacher Glenn Williams combining his passions for music, travel and giving back on musical exchanges around the world. He shares his latest excellent adventure from Cuba and plans for continuing to do what he knows best and loves most.
Cindy Joseph defied one of the most unforgiving age barriers in the workplace to launch a new career with the prestigious Ford Modeling Agency at age 59. Next came her own cosmetics company called BOOM.
Downsized out of the publishing business into early retirement, Barry Meinerth went back to what he originally wanted to do – work with animals. First he had do his homework before starting his new alpaca business and life in Vermont.
Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart's encore career developing music therapy programs for treating damaged brain cells. Combining his lifelong passions for science and music to validate "good vibrations'' as a healing power.

Tracking news, trends, services
Less need for government to mandate it since double the number of the 65+ still working than three decades ago. A shift from company pension plans to personal contributions 401(k)s the primary factor. Desire to remain active and social a close second.
Alibaba founder Jack Ma recently resurfaced as a college professor in Japan. Reportedly China’s richest man, he “mysteriously” disappeared in 2020 . A former English teacher, he is now teaching sustainable agriculture at the University of Tokyo.
Charles Bond, a 62-year-old manager, decided to retire early rather than work remotely full time. He said he didn't have the self-discipline for remote work and likes being around people.

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Following the reverse migration to Baja ,Mexico to Chip Conley’s Modern Elders Academy for re-imagining what’s next and a little tequila tasting.
Shifting gears from private equity to truck driving was Peter Bloom’s divergent transition track. His “Stumbling Into Retirement” LinkedIn post went viral. It highlighted the retirement challenges he encountered while trying to do something new.
Attended the Third Half Advisors off site in Greenwich,CT with other professionals working on their new flight plans using career navigational tools . Experienced career coaches kept us from getting lost in our preconceptions or crashing .
Best countries for making fresh tracks somewhere else. A surprising new contender for the top spot according to International Living’s annual rankings.
His first tracks were on the moon. Next, astronaut Alan Bean became an artist. His story and paintings on display at the Smithsonian are a timeless tribute to the quintessential Nextracker of our time and universe.
Heard about this dynamic yoga teacher making a dramatic career change from the military to personal training. Tracked him down between my LAX flights in nearby Huntington Beach,CA. Learned some good moves and his career transition flow.
Former attorney turned soulgrass singer Paula Boggs. In her late 50’s, she left her primary career at the top to start at the bottom of a new one and has never looked back. She rocks.